Traces of Light by Adam Gerlach — Dark Spring Press
Bristlecone Pines Study 19_Book_Rez.jpg

Traces of Light by Adam Gerlach

Traces of Light is a collection of two exquisite photographic series by Bay Area landscape photographer Adam Gerlach. These atmospheric images of majestic trees and sweeping roadways, extend the genre of nighttime photography. As world-renowned photographer Michael Kenna says in the book's foreword, Adam extracts the maximum potential from his subject matter, revealing "the shadows, secrets, mysteries and danger" of the night. 

The book contains 55 sumptuously printed images on a warm-toned, hand-milled Italian paper. Additional text includes an essay by Adam himself and an insightful introduction by accomplished writer David Stroud.


Traces of Light contains twenty-one nighttime roadway images; long exposure shots that capture the sinuous and ephemeral light trails of passing cars. The remaining thirty-four images are luminous long exposure portraits of extraordinary ancient bristlecone pines and Australian tea trees, also photographed at night, and illuminated by hand.


Traces of Light comes in an edition of 450 books. As part of the edition there are 50 Collectors copies which include a signed archival pigment print. There are five beautiful prints to choose from.